Kidical Mass — Park + Doughbot Ride! [Pt. 2]

Here are some more pictures from this past Saturday’s Kidical Mass ride from Grant Park in Midtown to Doughbot and Southside Park.  I thought I’d include some shots of the awesome bikes other people are making/riding…look for these rides and their happy owners as you cruise around town.
Elle’s Bullitt bike is very, very cool…and useful! It has to be, because she and her kids puts an amazing amount of miles on it!

Anna’s awesome Yuba Mundo! This was the very first Yuba I every saw, and Anna was very kind to tell me all about it and encourage me in getting one. Her custom basket liner and nicely appointed seat post handlebars are just two of it’s many nice touches.

Keith’s amazing box bike. Yes, he freaking built this thing! I aspire to be one-fifth as handy as he.

Seth’s Dutch Bike has long been one of my very favorites. I love that it’s classic and classy, but also that he’s built awesome additions like a sweet lightweight canopy and super useful kitty litter panniers for the back.

This sleek, eye-catching bike really does the job without being a behemoth like my Mundo. Check out the cool black downtube saddle for the little one–I didn’t even see it at first!

Kidical Mass — Park + Doughbot Ride! [Pt. 1]


This Saturday we were lucky to be able to join our friends in Sacramento Kidical Mass for a fun ride with tons of kids, more than a few funky bikes, and a plethora of gourmet doughnuts.

Our friend Elle (as per usual) set up a great morning: we met in Midtown at Grant Park for some playtime/chat-time, rode en masse down to the River City’s tastiest and most unique treat shop (the fantastic DOUGHBOT), and then to Southside Park for more playing and hanging out.

Kidical Mass is a national movement, but Elle and friends spearhead the Sacramento group, and it’s a wonderful, simple thing.  Adults + kids + bikes + enjoying the outdoors + some sort of delicious treats = a great time had by all.


The September ride’s lineup of bikes. Kiddos are playing on the playground while the grown-ups swap stories and DIY tips.

It’s fun to see how other people/families ride, and when all the bikes are gathered, we invariably ooh and ahh over what everyone’s done to customize their rides (or build from the ground up, in some super-impressive cases).  I’ve gotten many good ideas and much useful advice from these conscientious and creative folk.  I feel lucky to be part of the Kidical Mass community.

Here’s a shot from last month’s ride, to give some flavor of what the bikes and folks look like collectively.

When we ride all together from meeting place to destination, we resemble the world’s least-intimidating biker gang.


As a polaroid of the Sistine Chapel is a poor visual representation of what lay before you, this phone pic of the selections at Doughbot is woefully inadequate in capturing just how tasty (and surprisingly un-awful-for-you) these treats truly are.

Finishing up at Doughbot, then on to Southside Park for some, to parts unknown for others.


Hanging at Doughbot: awesome local artisinal doughnuts meets cool and quirky robot-themed decor.

Here are some upcoming dates for Sac Kidical Mass gatherings:

October 26th: Halloween Ride! Dress up your bike and yourselves for some spooky and silly fun! Prizes will be awarded for unique costumes.

November 23rd: Fairytale Town Ride! Meet at Southside Park for a ride to Fairytale Town for a picnic lunch. Tickets are approx. $5/person (discounts available if we get a group of 25+)

December 28th: Hot Cocoa Ride! It’s hard to imagine that the weather will ever get cool again but let’s plan for a warm treat after this chilly ride.

Special January 1st: Ride to Sutter’s Landing to welcome the New Year at the American River.

Back in the swing of things!

First off, apologies for the long gap between posts this summer…it was an eventful season with many ups (and a few downs), and less cycling than I would have preferred. We’re into a groove now, more or less, with Mommy and the girls back in school and a new, ever-evolving schedule taking root.

Little Guy and I have gotten to take some nice long morning rides the last two weeks, exploring the city and running errands en route to picking up his big sisters at school. Especially since all three kids hit a growth spurt this summer, I’m appreciating having to haul just the one kiddo for the first half of our rides as I ease into the daily routine of pick-ups and errands and riding with a fully-loaded bike on a daily basis again.


Here we are, touring the quiet early-hour Sacramento streets of Downtown and Midtown. Little Boy does the navigating up front while Dad handles the grunt work at the pedals. Occasionally, I retrieve a piece of bagel from the tin can cup-holder up front to keep the Navigator happy.

Yesterday, he and I had a leisurely ride downtown to enjoy the lovely Southside Park. This place is a jewel in the city’s crown, both spacious and full of activities for kids of all ages. Our guy loved walking along the path of the fishing pond, exploring every rock and plant he could touch. The space-themed playgrounds were a hit, too. If he can climb it or swing upon it, he assuredly will.


No, my son has not been put behind bars…this is the fence–thankfully–protecting wandering little ones (and other wandering ones much bigger than little) from the fishing pond at Southside Park. He was fascinated by the ducks, then sauntered over to the awesome space-themed playgrounds. This is definitely one of our (and seemingly everyone else’s) favorite parks in the city.

Next it was off to pick up the girls from their new reality: big-kid school. Reason # 235 why I love riding a Yuba Mundo: no more trying to navigate a trailer through streets and traffic. I still find myself over-estimating how much time it will take to get from place to place, because the streamlined Mundo can go pretty fast. I can ride from any number of places in the city to the school in just a few, relatively stress-free minutes.


About to ride home from another fun day at school!

Riding right up to the school sidewalk without having to hunt for a parking spot is also a nice daily perk I didn’t know I’d appreciate so much. And after the girls have spent the bulk of their mornings sitting indoors, it’s nice to be able to pick them up on the bike and not have to stick them in the back of the hot car (I know, I know…let’s see how I feel when the inclement weather comes our way). Thinking of them waving their hands in the breeze as we roll down the tree-lined streets and listening to them rush to explain their days to me at a mile-a-minute pace is almost making me teary-eyed as I write this. The Rockwellian tableau seems like a small, recurring gift to me…a bit of unexpected gold mined from that most monotonous of taks: the carpool pick-up.

I can, sadly, all too easily imagine myself driving too fast, on edge from judging others’ driving and parking skills, hastily picking up the girls after trying to cram one last errand or chore before pick-up time, and then just driving home with a half-car’s-length between me and my little ones. Contrasting this with our leisurely, intimate rides makes me very thankful, for I know that I’m just as prone as anyone to miss the small things only to lament their passing once it’s too late. As one of our girls’ former teachers wisely summed up our time here (especially as it relates to our loved ones), “The days are long but the years are short.”

Here’s hoping that I hold those words close to my heart, before and after our rides together.